Antibodies, A Laboratory Manual, Second Edition, Edited by Edward A. Greenfield

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Sampling Mouse and Rat Serum from the Retro-Orbital Sinus

(Protocol summary only for purposes of this preview site)

The retro-orbital blood collection procedure requires gently positioning a beveled pipette tip (or borosilicate glass micropipette) into the retro-orbital venous plexus, rupturing the fragile blood vessels, and causing blood to enter the tube by capillary action. Total blood volume of a mouse, rat, or other rodent can be calculated from body weight (BW) (using the general range of 79 BW). The commonly accepted volume for frequent blood collection is no more than 1 of body weight every 14 d. For a 20-g mouse, this corresponds to 200 L of blood that can safely be removed every 14 d. For volumes that exceed these guidelines, IACUC approval is required. This protocol was based on information from the Animal Resources, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Core Facilities website.

Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual, Second edition
Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual, Second edition
Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual, Second edition

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